Thursday, January 28, 2016

It Happens to Me, Too!!

I wanted to write a quick post to let you all know that stalls happen to me, too.  In fact, most of the time, I feel stalled.  I've just gotten to the point where I just let the process happen.  I eat my macros and I wait it out.  Sometimes, when I step on the scale (like yesterday) I'm 10 lbs heavier!  10!

Now, bear in mind that 10 lb increase over a month, is likely different than a 10 lb increase in 2 days.  Unless you are severely over-eating, it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain 10 pounds of fat over night.  What is likely is that it's water weight.  It's unlikely to gain any fat over night like that!!  So whether it's 2 lbs or 10 lbs.  Try not to worry, it happens to all of us!

Ok, now be impressed with my technological savvy.  Here is a pic of my graph for the past year with My Fitness Pal. I'm too lazy to take a screen shot and my husband is probably cringing right now, but it is what it is. This graph show that there were many weeks where I had no loss.  It doesn't show the first part of my weight loss because

it was not included in the graph.  I lost about a pound every day for the first 3 weeks.  I'd say it was a few every few days.  Now, that doesn't happen at all.  In fact, the weight loss seriously slowed after a few weeks.  Now it's around 5 pounds a month.  Or it was.  I'm not really worried about that at this point.  I just kind of know that it will keep decreasing and trust the process. 

I get messages about this all the time.  So I figured I'd take the time to address it.  In My Fitness Pal, I also only report the decreases.  Frequently, the scale goes up a few pounds.  Our bodies are constantly trying to keep themselves even and stable.  This is normal, it's called homostasis.  They want to hang on to the fat storage we have.  Water weight varies from day to day in most people by a few pounds.  This is completely normal.  There are many reason for this.  Injuries, dehydration, medications, foods we eat, sickness, menstrual cycle.  This can all play a role.  Try not to stress too much about it.  Just know that it happens to all of us.  Whether you are losing for first pound or your 77th pound.

I know for myself what caused my 10 pound gain.  I also know that it's something that won't be repeated and I can tell it's finally going back down!  I am hoping to lose a few more pounds so that's good news!  And while it bugs me, I am not going to let it worry me.  I'm going to keep eating what I know works for me and just trust the process.

Hang in there, friends!!

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